Complete Collision Damage Repair
The core of our business is collision repair and service for recreational vehicles. When you have a problem on the road, you need help fast. Our team has experience with a wide variety of RV repairs, but we specialize in collision damage. We’re always striving to be the best at what we do. That means staying up to date on industry news, learning about the latest innovations in RV technology, thoroughly training our team members, and investing in the best repair equipment. We have a high standard for excellence, allowing you to relax and focus on planning where you’ll take your RV next.
Delamination Repair
Delamination is the process that occurs when the outer layer of your RV begins to peel back and pull away from the substrate. The outer layer is usually made of fiberglass or a gel coating. As you put miles on your RV, small cracks begin to form in the coating. They eventually spread and cause the outer layer to peel away. This can lead to leaks and other problems with the structural integrity of your RV.
The best thing you can do to protect your RV from this problem is to have your issues with delamination repaired as early as possible. At least once every five years, you should consider having the outer surface of your RV sealed. If you’re taking your RV into areas with harsh weather, the process should be done every two years or so. If you want to be extra careful, you can have your RV inspected for this problem every six months.
Here at Coach Specialists of Texas, we take care of delamination issues. It doesn’t matter how bad the problem has become. We’ll figure out the best steps to move forward and provide you with an honest quote.
RV Slideout Repair
Slideouts are an awesome feature that can greatly increase the amount of living space inside of the vehicle. When they malfunction, they can also cause a huge headache! There’s nothing worse than pulling up at a campsite thinking you’re going to have a relaxing evening and then realizing that your slideouts aren’t working correctly.
Our repair team can tackle the issues you’re having with your slideout. We take great care to first assess the situation and then move forward with a repair plan. Slideouts are either powered by electricity or hydraulics. We have experience with both types. We also know the variety of complex situations that can come with slideout repair. For example, some slideouts either contain or are attached to important components of your RV, like water and propane lines. We assess the situation first to ensure all parts of your RV are protected during the repair process.
RV Hail Damage Repair
Were you caught in a hailstorm? Experiencing wild weather is part of the adventure of the road, but if hail has your RV looking a bit battered, come to the experts at Coach Specialists of Texas to assess the damage and get an accurate quote.
Sprinter Van Repair
Are you traveling in a Sprinter van? Although the Sprinter is technically a specific model of van created by Mercedes-Benz, the term is often used to describe any type of large cargo van. Some people choose to convert this type of van into a mini RV. Others use these vehicles for work purposes.
The team at Coach Specialists of Texas has plenty of experience working with Sprinter vans and other types of cargo vehicles. Whether you have a work vehicle you need repaired or a campervan conversion that has collision damage, we’re here to help.
For more information about our RV repair services, please give the experts at Coach Specialists of Texas a call today.
We’re accustomed to working with your insurance company in order to facilitate the repair process as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have any questions at all about our facility, our process or any part of our streamlined serviced then please reach out to us and let us put any hesitations that you may have at ease! We have been DFW’s most professional and reliable RV repair company for a reason; We warmly invite your RV to into our capable hands in order to get the ball rolling for you. Come take a tour today!
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