How much does it cost to repair RV hail damage in Dallas, Texas?

Here in Texas and other parts of Tornado Alley, we get some pretty massive storms during this time of the year.  You know the saying, “Everything’s bigger in Texas”?  Well, that certainly applies to the hail stones you’ll see dropping from the sky on your RV while those tree-bending winds and that pelting rain do their worst.  If you’ve experienced one of these storms, you probably got that sinking feeling in your stomach knowing that your motorhome was being damaged and there was almost nothing you could do to avoid it.  I’m sure you were worried about the condition of your RV, as well as how much it might cost for repairs.

Hail damage can be as minor as just a few small dents in your siding or as serious as craters in your roof.  Therefore, the cost for repairing RV hail damage varies dramatically depending on the type of damage you have.  The price can range from $1,200 to over $25,000, for extremely damaged motorhomes.  Here are some of the factors that can determine the cost:

Roof Damage.  Typically, it is your RV roof that gets most damaged during a hailstorm.  If you have only a few minor dents, we can probably repair them fairly easily, depending on your roof’s composition.  For much worse damage, you might need a full roof replacement, which can cost $5,000 or more.

Side Damage.  If the side of your RV has taken some hail damage, we can repair dents of any diameter, as well as scratches, chipped paint, and more.  The cost of the repair will depend on the quantity of dents, as well as the depth and how much paint will be required.

Window Damage.  In some cases, RV windows can take a beating during a hailstorm, causing shattered or cracked glass.  Along with replacing windows, we will need to inspect and repair your window sealant to prevent future water intrusion.

Water Damage.  Along with the dents and cracks that hailstones can leave in an RV’s surface, rain can break through and cause some minor water damage.  We’ll need to take a look at your roof seams and interior surfaces to check for any damage.  If RV water damage is addressed right away, it will cost much less to repair than it will later after mold begins to grow.

Other RV Hail Damage.  Many other parts of your RV can take damage during a hail storm, including your headlights, taillights, awning, air conditioning system, and more.  These items will factor into the cost, although they are often less costly to repair than other RV components.

Do you have questions about RV hail damage repair in Dallas, Texas?
At Coach Specialists of Texas, we would be happy to answer any questions you might have.  Our technicians are specially trained in all aspects of RV repair and can handle any type of hail damage your motorhome has experienced.  For your convenience, we have two additional locations for drop-offs: Plano and Denton, Texas.  If you schedule a drop-off at either location, we will bring your RV the rest of the way to our facilities in Dallas for repairs.  Our mission is to get you back on the road quickly and hassle-free.

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